eCommerce Product Catalog 2.0 is here!

Here it is! We just released eCommerce Product Catalog 2.0 (now available via

I’d like to thank all our contributors, translators and bug reporters. We really appreciate all your help and couldn’t have done these awesome releases without you guys.

Before you update

The new version is fully compatible with 1.x.x but as always I recommend to create a backup or test the new release in your test environment before you update your main page.

Your product catalog will stay the same after the update. To apply the new features please go to product settings and switch new radio buttons.

So what’s new in eCommerce Product Catalog 2.0?

The 2.0 update focuses on two most desired features: product import and categories shortcode.

  • Ability to display product categories above products – this is fully customisable, you can decide if you want to show the categories above the products or not. The categories are displayed with a product listing theme selected in Catalog Design tab
  • Ability to display subcategories on category pages – again you can choose to show the subcategories or not.
  • [show_categories] shortcode with multiple attributes available – with the shortcode you can show selected or all categories. Like with [show_products] you can choose the design and limit the display to certain categories.
  • Product import – the product importer is available in Product Settings in General settings tab. You can import the products from the CSV.

Product Category Display Improvements

Now you can show the categories automatically above the product list. Only main categories will be shown on main product listing. The category listings will show the subcategories.

Product Importer

The new product import tool will allow to upload the products from CSV file.

Product Import

As you can see on the screenshot above the imported field names are: image URL, Product Name, Price, Categories, Short Description and Description.

We will soon release the extension which allows to import also all attributes, update products from CSV and export all products with all fields.

Admin panel design refresh

The design refreshment process is finished now. We changed how the tabs and settings look like. It’s more unified with WordPress design now.

eCommerce Product Catalog 2.0 development

The 2 version will focus not only on the features imporovement but also on making it even more customisable. We are planning to implement new hooks for developers. Also the more innovative extensions will come out soon. We will release digital products and shopping cart extensions as we had a lot of requests for them.

Also the product page customisation extenstion will be ready soon.

How do you like the eCommerce Product Catalog 2.0?

Norbert Dreszer

Post author: Norbert Dreszer

Norbert specializes in web development and Internet marketing for over 8 years. He is best known as the founder of impleCode, WordPress developer, SEO & Usability fanatic.

18 thoughts on “eCommerce Product Catalog 2.0 is here!

  1. Red
    Red - 10 years ago

    Thank you for this update Norbert! The product import is just what I was looking for. The plugin looks great!

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Tanks, I am glad that it suits you!

  2. Ryan
    Ryan - 10 years ago

    Wow!! thank you! I use this on every single client site to empower them to have a little management over their products and this will be much better.

    as always, you all rock!

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Thanks for your kind words. In fact we use it also very often :)

  3. Fa
    Fa - 10 years ago

    Thank you impleCode! This is awesome! you are awesome!

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Thank you, we appreciate your feedback!

  4. Robert
    Robert - 10 years ago

    Is this feature available in or only in

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago does not allow to upload plugins in the same way as standalone WordPress installation. For now eCommerce Product Catalog is not available on

  5. Mom
    Mom - 10 years ago

    Successfully Updated my plugin, it looks great…

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Always nice to hear that everything works fine :)

  6. Ana
    Ana - 10 years ago

    This is great! Thanks for the info. I’ve been researching for a WP plugin for product catalogue. I will try this out.

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Thank you for the information. You can post back your feelings abous the plugin :)

  7. Bo
    Bo - 10 years ago

    This plug-in is easy and works great! Thank you all for the great work!!!

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Thanks to you for a great comment!

  8. Bill
    Bill - 10 years ago

    this is a fantastic update the only thing that is missing is the ability to export products.

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Hi Bill, thank you for the comment. The product export tool is almost ready and will be included soon!

  9. Patrick
    Patrick - 10 years ago

    Thank you very much for this very nice plugin! It is very easy to integrate and it now offers the main features that I expected… Is it possible ton activate comments (and maybe ratings) on products pages ?

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Hi Patrick, Thanks for the feedback. Currently it is not possible to activate comments or ratings however I am working on it so it will be available soon.

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