To show related products on product page go to Products > Settings and find the Show related setting inside Categories Settings section in General tab.
The related products will be shown when you switch the Show related setting to Products.
The plugin will automatically use the default product listing template selected in Catalog Design tab.
Custom Number of related products
The number of related products is by default limited to one row. You can adjust this by placing the following code into your theme functions.php:
function my_related_products_count($count) {
return 2;
You can adjust the value returned to your needs.
Show more related products in one row
If you want to still show only one row but more products you can create a custom related-products.php template. See templates docs for details.
When you create a custom template, replace the following line:
echo do_shortcode( '[show_products post_type="' . $post_type . '" product="' . $products . '"]' );
echo do_shortcode( '[show_products post_type="' . $post_type . '" product="' . $products . '" per_row=5]' );
This will show 5 products in one row. You can adjust the parameter to your needs.