Now PayPal Gateway for Product Catalog Works without the Order Form

We just released an update for PayPal Gateway premium extension. The update allows to use the gateway without the Order Form extension.

This particular feature was created as a response for many requests from you guys. I hope we made it accordingly to your needs!

Before this update the PayPal Gateway worked only with the Order Form extension. The payment method was added in the order form and the user input was sent to PayPal so the user don’t need to fill it again on a PayPal website.

PayPal Gateway for WordPress Product Catalog

This works the same now when the Order Form extension is active. The Order Form extension users can update the plugin without loss of anything.

PayPal Gateway without the Order Form extension

After todays update it is possible to use it also without the order form. When the Order Form is not active the PayPal button will be added to every product page. See how:

PayPal on Product Page

In PayPal settings you can enable or disable the button. Also the sandbox can be enabled for the button.

As an addition you can set a thank you page where the user will be redirected after the payment is complete.

PayPal Gateway Settings

The new feature makes it really easy for the user to buy a product or service from eCommerce Product Catalog.

We will be happy to develop this extension even further. Please leave your feedback or comment in the comment section.

Norbert Dreszer

Post author: Norbert Dreszer

Norbert specializes in web development and Internet marketing for over 8 years. He is best known as the founder of impleCode, WordPress developer, SEO & Usability fanatic.

4 thoughts on “Now PayPal Gateway for Product Catalog Works without the Order Form

  1. Phil
    Phil - 10 years ago

    I like the PayPal feature although upset it doesn’t have add to basket feature, is this possible?

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Actually it’s only buy now button currently available, however we have the update with the add to cart button almost ready. How would you like this feature to work?

      1. kelly
        kelly - 10 years ago

        It would be nice if you could automatically pay for what ever is in the cart and the final product with one button. ie. have a cart and a pay button under each product. Maybe even a wish list option? or the 3 choices via check mark then press the one button ?

        Thanks for the ongoing optimization,

        1. Norbert Dreszer
          Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

          Kelly, thank you for nice ideas. We will add these additional button options for sure.

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