[1.5.6] eCommerce Product Catalog

The newest version of eCommerce Product Catalog which was released today adds one but very handy feature:

Product Gallery Options

The last option on the image “Enable product image only when inserted” allows to disable product image completely. Even the default image will not appear if this option is checked.

The option is placed on product settings > catalog design > single product.

eCommerce Product Catalog documentation

I am aware that this plugin currently lacks good documentation. I am working on it, I promise it will be available very soon.

Product Catalog extensions

We started to publish some extensions for eCommerce Product Catalog. They are available here.

Currently there are 3 extensions available:

  • Order Form – nice extension to insert order button and order form functionality for product in the catalog
  • Quote Form – many of our customers asked for such functionality. Finally we published it to the public. This extension is great if product catalog is used without price.
  • PayPal Gateway – currently it works with Order Form, but it will be extended to work also as independent extension

I can’t wait for your feedback to these extensions. There will be more available soon.

The documentation for the extension will be available as soon as possible (along with eCommerce Product Catalog documentation).

Please give your thoughts about extensions and their features.

Norbert Dreszer

Post author: Norbert Dreszer

Norbert specializes in web development and Internet marketing for over 8 years. He is best known as the founder of impleCode, WordPress developer, SEO & Usability fanatic.

3 thoughts on “[1.5.6] eCommerce Product Catalog

  1. Rande
    Rande - 11 years ago

    Thank you for the quote form, I already bought it. I would like to use the quote form on contact page. How can I achieve it?

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 11 years ago

      Thank you Rande. Just place [quote_form] on contact page than you can assign quote button to contact page. If you need support just use the premium support email service that you received with the order :) I will respond much quicker.

  2. Al
    Al - 11 years ago

    I really can’t wait for the documentation Norbert. Thank you for such a great plugin…

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