Product Sort Drop-down not showing anymore by default

In eCommerce Product Catalog 2.1.0 we introduced the product sort drop-down.

We have got a couple of questions on how to disable this. In version 2.1.1 this feature is disabled by default for every shortcode. To enable it you can add a “sort” attribute with a value “1”. E.g. [show_products sort=1].

We changed this default behavior because many pople use multiple shortcodes on one page which caused mutple drop-downs being displayed. This was offcourse not our intention.

Dutch Translation

eCommerce Product Catalog 2.1.1 comes with a Dutch translation. It is still missing some phrases but it already adds a huge value to the project. The translation was created by Pieter on impleCode translate project.

Thank you Pieter!

Norbert Dreszer

Post author: Norbert Dreszer

Norbert specializes in web development and Internet marketing for over 8 years. He is best known as the founder of impleCode, WordPress developer, SEO & Usability fanatic.

7 thoughts on “Product Sort Drop-down not showing anymore by default

  1. Bra
    Bra - 10 years ago

    Great news! Really nice to see that your products are in constant development.

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Oh yes we all like to move forward :) Thanks for the comment!

  2. Yasm
    Yasm - 10 years ago

    I am using your plugins in three of my client sites already. It is really easy and fast to configure. Good job with this one!

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 10 years ago

      Thank you. I am always happy to help :)

  3. Chris
    Chris - 10 years ago

    I like what you guys are usually up too. This kind of clever work and coverage!

    Keep up the wonderful works guys I’ve incorporated
    you guys to blogroll.

  4. HMG
    HMG - 9 years ago

    In my install (ver 2.3.3) the product sort drop down is still active and cannot turn it off. Please advice.

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 9 years ago

      Hi HMG,

      Are you using a shortcode to show the products?

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