Latest eCommerce Product Catalog updates

As you could see in May we released three eCommerce Product Catalog updates.  Those were very important fixes and improvements.

In certain configurations the title was not showing up on the category pages. Thanks to your reports this is fixed now. You can safely add product category description and configure the plugin the way you love. Product category page will work as intended:

Product Category page
There were some problems with categories widget. The drop-down didn’t work as intended and hierarchical display was broken. Now everything works just fine. You can configure the category widget as you like and it will work:

Product Category Dropdown not hierarchical product category dropdown

product categories list hierarchical product categories list

Finally we improved the price format. Now it has proper formatting for usability purposes. Your users will love it!

Product Catalog price format

As always you can update the eCommerce Product Catalog with automatic updates WordPress feature or just manually download the plugin from impleCode.

As we see a lot of interest in the plugin we are planning to release some extensions which you are asking for. Since March when we first released the plugin we made dozens of customisations for users around the world. We get queries everyday and it started to overwhelm us. As we always want to provide fast and high quality code sometimes we must reject the query.

This is why I decided to start releasing the extensions as soon as possible.

We realise that many users need very customised solutions so we will keep the custom coding service but more universal features will be shared as plugin extensions.

We have a pretty long list of expected extensions right now but if you come up with an idea you are welcome to share it in the comments below.


Norbert Dreszer

Post author: Norbert Dreszer

Norbert specializes in web development and Internet marketing for over 8 years. He is best known as the founder of impleCode, WordPress developer, SEO & Usability fanatic.

7 thoughts on “Latest eCommerce Product Catalog updates

  1. Rande
    Rande - 11 years ago

    Hi, thank you for such a great work! I have some ideas but what is more important for me is some kind of quote button on every product page. I definitely would buy such an extension. I would like also to have some more settings for images size and more pictures on product page. I hope you will release some of that very soon!

    1. Samm
      Samm - 11 years ago

      This looks just perfect for 3 clients I am currently developing sites for!

      1. Norbert Dreszer
        Norbert Dreszer - 11 years ago

        Thank you for your suggestions. I added it to our to-do list. If you have any further ideas about such an extension contact me directly. I can provide a free copy for beta testers.

  2. Bradley
    Bradley - 11 years ago

    You do really nice job with this plugin. Thanks!

    We definitely need nice product gallery. You could extend it to six or more pictures with lightbox. I would love to see it as an extension or in the main plugin…

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 11 years ago

      Thank you Bradley. Extended product gallery will be available soon. We have it almost done and widely tested.

  3. Fred Rindel
    Fred Rindel - 11 years ago

    I can download a xml or csv file with all details from my supplier, is there a way to import this?

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 11 years ago

      Currently we do not provide any product import feature but eCommerce Product Catalog is based on custom post types so you can try any import plugin for WordPress. You can also contact us directly to develop an importer immediately.

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