eCommerce Product Catalog 1.4.3

Version 1.4.3 of eCommerce Product Catalog was just released to the public. We’ve made some improvement to the core of the plugin and added long-awaited custom currency symbol feature. So here is a summary of tweaks & fixes added:

  1. You can add custom currency symbol – this also adds the possibility to use not supported currencies;
  2. Now you can use shortcodes and formatting on product listing page and in short description;
  3. Decimal price now works in chrome

I hope these new improvements will make your life easier :)

Norbert Dreszer

Post author: Norbert Dreszer

Norbert specializes in web development and Internet marketing for over 8 years. He is best known as the founder of impleCode, WordPress developer, SEO & Usability fanatic.

3 thoughts on “eCommerce Product Catalog 1.4.3

  1. wifmaster
    wifmaster - 11 years ago

    I really love your support. Thanks for the update!

  2. Stefan
    Stefan - 10 years ago

    Wonderful product!

    Is there a way to display the product/category IDs in the Product/Category lists? Currently the easiest way to view the IDs ( as far as I know ) is to hover the mouse over the product/category name and get the ID from the URL. This is fine for me but for my clients it would be nice to be able to visually display the ID in the lists.

    Currently in the category list I see Name, Description, Slug, and Products. Would make sense to be able to show IDs as well for reference when adding shorthand code to pages…

    i.e. [show_products category="11"]

    1. Norbert Dreszer
      Norbert Dreszer - 11 years ago

      Thank you Stefan, I will put your feature request to our development plan.

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