Additional Add to Cart button options

This feature is a part of Shopping Cart PRO. Click here to see all Shopping Cart PRO features.

You can set additional add to cart button options in Catalog Settings > Shopping Cart:

Add to Cart button options settings screenshot

Button label

This is the button text. By default it id Add to Cart. You can customize the add to cart button label.

Button Description

The text that shows up under the add to cart button.

Cart added info

The box that shows up when the product is added.

Replace button with URL

This option will replace the button with simple link.

Redirect to cart after click

By default the product is added and the user stays on the same page. With this option selected the user will be redirected to cart after the product is added.

Disable Quantity box

This will disable the quantity box near the add to cart button.

Enable minimum quantity box

This will enable the minimum quantity option on the product edit screen. If a product has this number filled it will be impossible to buy fewer pieces than defined (in one order).

Enable maximum quantity box

This will enable the maximum quantity option on the product edit screen. If a product has this number filled it will be impossible to buy more pieces than defined (in one order).