Product Listing Shortcode

[show_products] shortcode by default will display up to 100 latest products. You can modify what should be displayed with some shortcode parameters. [show_products] shortcode is available with various parameters: category…

Set Print PDF Mode

…will be printed without the rest of the website). In the print dialog you can usually print or generate a PDF PDF Screenshot – it will directly generate a PDF…

Quote Cart Checkout Customizer

form fields buttons on the right side to add new fields. The following fields are available: Section Text Paragraph Radio buttons Dropdown Number Email Address Checkboxe Date Time Website Price…

Catalog icons inside main menu

You can display multiple catalog icons on the website’s main menu. To enable this feature, go to Catalog Settings > Catalog Design > Design Schemes and switch the Icons Display…

Discount start and end date

…the website until the specified date. Discount end date The discount end date will enable the discount end date countdown. The discount will be disabled once the end day comes….

Add custom product to the inquiry

…looks like this: You can add the following: Product website URL Product description or name Requested quantity Once added, it will appear in the cart: The customer can still adjust…