Show sales with a shortcode

You can use a shortcode to promote a product with a discount applied. To place a promo box, use the [promo_box]. You can place it anywhere on the website, and…

All Product Catalog Shortcodes

website content to generate objects that normally require complicated, ugly code. Shortcode = shortcut. To use a shortcode inside the WordPress blocks editor (Gutenberg), you must use the shortcode block….

Add to Inquiry Button Shortcode

You can display the add to cart button anywhere on the website with the following shortcode: [quote_cart_button product=”123″] Two shortcode parameters are available: product – set comma separated product ids…

Cart Icon in Main Menu

You can add a cart icon into the website’s main menu in Catalog Settings > Catalog Design > Design Schemes. First, you have to enable the catalog sitewide icons. Next,…

Quote Cart icon in Main Menu

You can add a cart icon to the website’s main menu in Catalog Settings > Catalog Design > Design Schemes. First, you have to enable the catalog sitewide icons. Next,…

Fallback order type

…field. You can do it in Catalog Settings > General: The default value is ‘Newest’, which sorts by the product publish date when the products have the same priority or…

Shopping Cart Email Notifications

…notification emails sent to the customer and the eCommerce Product Catalog administrator. Admin email addresses You can configure two email addresses: one or multiple to receive notifications (comma separated) one…

Quote Cart Email Notifications

…the notification emails sent to the customer and the eCommerce Product Catalog administrator. Admin email addresses You can configure two email addresses: one or more to receive notifications (comma separated)…

Additional MPN codes

…Barcodes: In the designated field, you can input an unlimited number of MPNs or barcodes. These can be entered as a comma-separated list. Comma-Separated Entries: Simply type or paste the…

Integrate with other post types

You can display also other post type (e.g. WooCommerce products, WordPress posts) with eCommerce Product Catalog design. To do so simply use the post_type attribute with the shortcode: [show_products post_type="products"]…