Product Reviews

The product review feature is disabled by default in the catalog. It can be enabled with a free addon. In order to enable the reviews feature please go to Catalog…

Theme Integration Wizard

…type – switch between simple and advanced mode; Catalog Container Width – the width of product catalog to match your theme content width, this is the max width and it…

Product Promo Widget

…of the widget on your website will adjust to your theme style. It will look like any other of your theme widgets. For example on it looks like this:…

Insert Category in Product URL

…All the products will have a URL as in the example: Products Without Category When a certain product is not assigned to any category the parent will be “general”….

Import product images from any URL or folder

…Gallery Advanced active you will be able to assign multiple images to one product. Use a list of comma separated URLs to achieve that. Multi image data format example:,,…

Polylang and eCommerce Product Catalog

eCommerce Product Catalog is a highly customizable custom post types based WordPress responsive plugin which allows you to manage and sell products through the WordPress website. eCommerce Product Catalog is…

Simple Product Import

…extension. Import CSV template You can download the template file by clicking the button. The file will contain only the proper CSV headings. Please note that the semicolon/comma should be…

All Product Catalog Blocks

…only on one page (the one selected in catalog general settings as the main listing page) Show Products block – to display products anywhere on your website Show Categories block…

Adjust header logo size

The website logo settings are located in Theme Settings > Header Settings in website logo section. You can adjust the size in Logo Width field: Once the logo width is…

Product Listing Page Template

…Please note that you must use the theme integration guide first if you want to create a separate template for the entire catalog pages (along with other website parts like…