Filter Products by First Letter

The product search widget has an option to enable a letter filtering feature. To enable it, please go to Appearance > Widgets, find the catalog search widget and place it…

Simple Product Import

…hard drive and clicking “Import Products” button. The import process will start immediately. The time to complete depends on how many products the CSV contains. While uploading spreadsheet do not…

Simple Product Export

…URL, Name, Price, Categories, Short Description and Long Description. Download Product CSV After the CSV file is generated the download URL will appear.   Press the Download CSV link to…

Complete or Filtered Product Export

…into one CSV file. Press the Export All Products to CSV file button to start exporting all products with all fields. Download Product CSV After the CSV file is generated…

How the Order Form Looks Like?

First the order form fields can be configured in product settings. The number of fields, the labels, field comments and the required setting. All of this you can configure in…

Product Listing Shortcode

…to show specific products from the catalog. To do it just place comma separated product ids as product attribute value. [show_products product="1,89,93"] will show products with ids 1, 89 and

Change catalog URLs

…structure has changed. In our case we’ve changed the URL to ‘flowers’ so: Our main catalog listing page will be under Our individual product pages will be under…

Product Reviews

The product review feature is disabled by default in the catalog. It can be enabled with a free addon. In order to enable the reviews feature please go to Catalog…

Custom Product Page tab

You can add more tabs by creating a custom template for product page. For example after or before the tab container in product-description.php or in product-attributes.php. When you add the…