Select Product Page Template

eCommerce Product Catalog comes with two product page templates: Formatted – includes tabs to switch between description and features, has left side image and formatted boxes for price, shipping, sku…

Add New Product

…set attributes number, default values or disable them completely); The fields that are not filled will not appear on product page. Publishing the product When you are ready to publish…

Change Product Name Color

…color on the left. Click outside the color picker when you are ready and save the settings. The new product name color will be applied immediately for every product page….

Change Price Color

…on the left. Click outside of the color picker when you are finish and save the settings. The new price color will be applied immediately. Price Label Color You can…

Change product status with a CSV file

…any status for each product: publish – to publish the product immediately future – to post the product automatically in the future (you also have to select the publish date…

Getting started

If you didn’t install and activate the plugin yet please see the installation guide and come back here later. First step after catalog activation The first thing you will see…

Change Catalog Headings & Text

…the available labels for individual product page: The labels that you can edit by default: product price, free, product shipping, sku, product description, product features, see also different, return to…

How to customize the translations

…one from plugin lang folder. The easiest way to add custom translation file The easiest way is to use free plugin from WordPress repository called Loco Translate. As soon as…

Theme Integration Wizard

…do manual theme integration. You can do it yourself with theme integration guide or ask eCommerce Product Catalog developers to do it for you (the service is free of charge…

Product Slider Shortcode

…To show the slider use [product_slider] shortcode. Attributes available: include – a list of comma separated product IDs to include in a slider (only selected products will be included) exclude…