
Customer Login in the main menu

Easily enable or disable the customer login icon in the main menu.

Quote Cart Content Widget

You can display the cart content details with the Quote Cart widget: It will display the products and the quantity […]

Quote cart fast checkout

Speed up the inquiry submission.

Upload Quote Cart content

Let the selected user bulk add products to the cart with a CSV file.

Enable Guest Checkout in Quote Cart

Let the user submit the inquiry as a guest when login before checkout is enabled.

Enable User Registration in Quote Cart

Let the user register before sending the inquiry.

Collect Payments with Quote Cart

Enable payment processing for priced products with at least one payment gateway active.

Quote Cart Checkout Templates

Select one of the three quote cart checkout templates and customize the submit button label.

Add custom product to the inquiry

Now your customers can submit special order requests!

Enable Category Quote Button

Enable the add to cart button that adds all products from the category to the cart.

Login before checkout

Force the user to login before going to checkout.

Separate email notifications for Quote Cart payment processing

Define separate email templates for paid quotes.

Add Quote Cart login to the menu

A sign-in/sign-out menu button lets your customers quickly proceed with the inquiry.

Limit the number of

If you set the limit, the user will not be able to add more products to the cart once the limit is reached.

Quote Cart icon in Main Menu

Display a customizable sitewide cart icon on your website’s main menu.


Step by step checkout for Quote Cart

A different, customizable checkout design!

Customize Quote Cart Page Labels and Appearance

Fully customize the quote cart and checkout page design and text output.

Customize Quote Cart Add Button

Use the robust customization options for the quote add to cart button to match your project needs.

Modify Quote Cart Button Label

Easily customize the quote cart widget button label.

Quote Cart Checkout Customizer

Customize the inquiry checkout form with easy-to-use drag & drop edit. Add unlimited number of field into the form, set custom labels and custom input types!

Select the email notification format

3 available email template formats.

Customize Quote Cart payment total labels

Customize the payment total labels when the payment processing is enabled for Quote Cart.


Add to Inquiry Button Shortcode

Use the quote cart button shortcode display the add to cart button anywhere on the website.

Custom Tab in the Customer Panel

Enhance user experience by creating custom tabs in the customer panel.

Customer data edit tab

Enable your customers to update their information effortlessly with editable fields in the customer panel.

Disable customer ability to pay

You can block payments and display a message for a selected customer on the user profile settings page.

Export Quotations

Export quotations by date with all the data.